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classroom-in-the-tv :
Do you watch Game of Thrones? And if you do, are you excited for it?
I die for a piece
Anonymous :
Hi! I really like your blog and your theme is so simple! I really like your theme too! can you send me the link where can i get the same theme too. please!
thanks, glad you like it :) it’s the old default Tumblr theme , here is the link
it’s called Redux
Anonymous :
Omg i read all of whats up on hockey homo yesterday cuz of your blog, the URL is yaahockeyhomo, its a yaoi comic type thing? its a really good story, I pretty sure its a translation though, cuz some of the english is a bit off but its definitely readable, I'm pretty sure the artist is from germany or something so, yeah but its a great story and stuff and there isn't actually THAT much NSFW (still plenty though)
thank youu :)